
[custom_headline type=”left” level=”h1″ looks_like=”h2″]Say Hello to Cropdog.com Online Photo Collage Maker[/custom_headline]
[container id=”YouTubeVideo3/4″][x_video_embed type=”16:9″][/x_video_embed][/container][text_output]View our video to see the Cropdog.com easy template system.[/text_output]
[feature_headline type=”left” level=”h2″ looks_like=”h4″ icon=”camera-retro”]What is Cropdog.com?[/feature_headline][text_output]Cropdog™ is a FREE photo collage maker. With Cropdog™ you can easily divide and blend your photos, to create designs so fabulous your friends will literally say, “WOW!”

You can create amazing photo collages to share with your friends & family in just minutes! Just load your images, drag & drop onto the templates, and share with others via our Cropdog.com Member Gallery or order prints.[/text_output]

[custom_headline type=”left” level=”h2″ looks_like=”h4″]Create a Lasting Impression[/custom_headline][text_output]There are many moments that we never want to forget, such as the significant events that shape our lives: graduations, weddings, babies, first homes, and new jobs. We’ve embraced our digital cameras. We take a lot of pictures. We need a way to fit them together and create lasting memories! Creating a photo collage with Cropdog.com allows us to fit in all of those important shots; so we can look back in the years to come, and treasure every detail.

Capture and share those special moments with a photo collage you can create in minutes! Cropdog is easy to use with three simple steps: 1. Upload your photos 2. Choose one of the unique patterns. 3. Drag & Drop your images into the patterns.

[button href=”http://collage.cropdog.com/category/photo-collage-ideas/” title=”Title” target=”blank” shape=”square” size=”regular”  block=”true” icon_only=”true” info=”popover, tooltip” info_place=”top, right, bottom, left” info_trigger=”hover, click, focus” info_content=”This content will only show up if you have decided to show a popover.”] Check out more photo collage ideas here [/button][/text_output]

[text_output][custom_headline type=”left, center, right” level=”h2″ looks_like=”h4″ accent=”true”] Photo Collages Ideas:[/custom_headline]

[icon_list] [icon_list_item type=”camera-retro”] Seasons in the Garden [/icon_list_item] [icon_list_item type=”camera-retro”] Silly Family Poses [/icon_list_item] [icon_list_item type=”camera-retro”] Vacation Scenes [/icon_list_item] [icon_list_item type=”camera-retro”] Photo Collections [/icon_list_item] [icon_list_item type=”camera-retro”] Year in Review [/icon_list_item] [icon_list_item type=”camera-retro”] Holiday Celebrations[/icon_list_item][icon_list_item type=”camera-retro”] Family Working Together [/icon_list_item] [icon_list_item type=”camera-retro”] Family Playing Together [/icon_list_item] [/icon_list][/text_output]

[custom_headline type=”left” level=”h2″ looks_like=”h4″]In Our Recent Posts…[/custom_headline][recent_posts type=”post” count=”4″ orientation=”horizontal”]
[custom_headline type=”left” level=”h2″ looks_like=”h4″]Photo Collage Examples from the Cropdog.com Member Gallery:[/custom_headline][text_output]Top two rows below contributed by member “Granny Mac.”  To see more on the Member Gallery click here. [/text_output]
[block_grid type=”four-up”][block_grid_item]Project24page3image1377774576[/block_grid_item][block_grid_item]Project11page1image1375613527[/block_grid_item][block_grid_item]Project19page1image1377782686[/block_grid_item][block_grid_item]Project17page1image1377811662[/block_grid_item][block_grid_item]Project21page1image1377793827[/block_grid_item][block_grid_item]Project19page4image1379583269[/block_grid_item][block_grid_item]Project24page1image1377791767[/block_grid_item][block_grid_item]Scotlandpage7image1378414310[/block_grid_item][block_grid_item]1391619726_1_image1376132377[/block_grid_item][block_grid_item]1391619739_1_image1379253464[/block_grid_item][block_grid_item]1391619768_1_image1377266648[/block_grid_item][block_grid_item]1391619769_1_image1375359385[/block_grid_item][/block_grid][button shape=”square” size=”large” float=”none” target=”blank” info=”popover” info_place=”top” info_trigger=”hover” href=”http://www.cropdog.com/gallery” title=”Cropdog Member Gallery” info_content=”While you are there leave a comment for the pages you enjoyed. They will love hearing from you! :)”]View More on the Cropdog Member Gallery[/button]
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[callout class=”mvn” type=”center” title=”Ready to Get Started?” message=”If you’re ready to take your photos to a new creative level, click below to join Cropdog.com today!” button_text=”Click to Register” href=”http://www.cropdog.com/index/invitation” button_icon=”camera-retro” target=”blank”]