Photo Collage Ideas

[text_output][custom_headline type=”left, center, right” level=”h1″ looks_like=”h2″ accent=”true”] Photo Collage Ideas:[/custom_headline]

With your photos and Photo Collage Maker, there is unlimited potential for variety! Get started by designing a FREE Facebook Cover or preserve the photos from your latest vacation in an album. Make a collage to hang on a wall or create a slide show for a digital frame. Whatever you decide to do with your photos in you can be sure that it will “WOW!” your family and friends![/text_output][button shape=”square” size=”regular” float=”none” block=”true” info=”popover” info_place=”bottom” info_trigger=”hover” href=”” title=”CLICK HERE TO VIEW ” info_content=”or Choose a Subject in the Right Menu List”]See More Photo Collage Ideas[/button]

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[custom_headline type=”left” level=”h2″ looks_like=”h3″]Photo Collage Themes[/custom_headline]
[text_output]6 Family Portrait Photo CollageFamily Portraits & Snapshots is a great way to display multiple portraits or snapshots of family and friends.

[button type=”real” shape=”rounded” size=”small” href=”” title=”Example”][icon type=”camera-retro”]SEE MORE[/button][/text_output]


Special Occasions

As photo enthusiasts, our fingers go a little “crazy” when special occasions arrive. Cropdog™ is a great way to fit MANY photos together – so you don’t have to set aside any of the shots you love!

[button type=”real” shape=”rounded” size=”small” href=”” title=”Example”][icon type=”camera-retro”]SEE MORE[/button][/text_output]

[text_output]BuschGardens2013page3image1379683385-1Travel & Vacations

Whether you’ve just taken the trip of a lifetime or gone back to your favorite “watering hole”, trips and vacations are memories worth preserving. will help you put your images together with style!


[text_output]New Orleans 2013page7image1375485649Photo Collections – 

If you have a collection of photos, or photos of a collection,’s designer templates will help you fit a variety of images together and turn them into “photo art!”[/text_output]

[custom_headline type=”left” level=”h2″ looks_like=”h3″] has Photo Collage Sizes for…[/custom_headline]
[text_output]4x6 postcardspage2image1388872686-1Greetings & Postcards

With’s 4×6 and 5×7 templates, you can easily create beautiful collage greetings that include multiple images of your latest adventures!

Greeting sizes are a wonderful way to send invitations or make announcements such as: a new arrival in the family, engagements, graduations, or birthdays. Make as many as you want and print as many as you need!




12×12, 8×8, 8.5×11, and more! No need to make an entire book in one sitting – photo collage maker has great templates to create your individual scrapbook pages.


[text_output]1391619765_1_image1379607222Wrapped Canvas Art

Designer templates from will help you fit a variety of images together and turn them into “photo art!”



Digital Frames 

Digital frames are a great way to display many photos in a frame. With a series of great photo collages, you can show off your creativity, and more images, on each slide view!


[text_output][custom_headline type=”left, center, right” level=”h4″ looks_like=”h4″ accent=”true”] In Our Recent Posts… [/custom_headline][/text_output]
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