With your photos and Cropdog.com Photo Collage Maker, there is unlimited potential for variety! Get started by designing a FREE Facebook Cover or preserve the photos from your latest vacation in an album. Make a collage to hang on a wall or create a slide show for a digital frame. Whatever you decide to do with your photos in Cropdog.com you can be sure that it will “WOW!” your family and friends![/text_output][button shape=”square” size=”regular” float=”none” block=”true” info=”popover” info_place=”bottom” info_trigger=”hover” href=”http://collage.cropdog.com/category/photo-collage-ideas/” title=”CLICK HERE TO VIEW ” info_content=”or Choose a Subject in the Right Menu List”]See More Photo Collage Ideas[/button]

Cropdog.com is a great way to display multiple portraits or snapshots of family and friends.
[button type=”real” shape=”rounded” size=”small” href=”http://collage.cropdog.com/category/photo-collage-ideas/family-photo-collage-ideas/” title=”Example”][icon type=”camera-retro”]SEE MORE[/button][/text_output]

Special Occasions
As photo enthusiasts, our fingers go a little “crazy” when special occasions arrive. Cropdog™ is a great way to fit MANY photos together – so you don’t have to set aside any of the shots you love!
[button type=”real” shape=”rounded” size=”small” href=”http://collage.cropdog.com/category/photo-collage-ideas/special-occasions/” title=”Example”][icon type=”camera-retro”]SEE MORE[/button][/text_output]

With Cropdog.com’s 4×6 and 5×7 templates, you can easily create beautiful collage greetings that include multiple images of your latest adventures!
Greeting sizes are a wonderful way to send invitations or make announcements such as: a new arrival in the family, engagements, graduations, or birthdays. Make as many as you want and print as many as you need!