As 2014 has been the Chinese Year of the Horse which began in February, I have tried to include at least one photo with a horse or donkey somewhere in it. I believe that 2015 will be the Year of the Goat – maybe a bit more of a challenge but less so than some of the other possibilities!
For each month there are a few unneeded boxes. Rather than leave them empty, I have put in a very small symbol appropriate to that month.[/text_output]
Will I do it again? Probably not. I have had so much fun and satisfaction – I love my completed pages but on the other hand I think I should content myself with what I have done. My family and friends are now used to co-operating when I say I want a ‘people’ photo to try to keep a page balanced but I don’t think they will be sorry if I stop. I would love to know if anyone else has been doing this and certainly wish anyone good luck who will be giving it a go in 2015![/text_output]