Tag: vacation

  • Everybody loves a Happy Ending.

    Everybody loves a Happy Ending.

    [columnize] The Falls of Shin, recognized as one of the best places in  Scotland to view salmon jumping, are situated an hour’s drive north of Inverness in the north of Scotland.  Inverness itself is about 260 miles north of where I now live.  Even when I lived 30 miles east of Inverness for the first…

  • Moments Not Forgotten

    Moments Not Forgotten

    I can’t help thinking about a well known bear, named Pooh, when I look at this memory page. Pooh knew the secrets to a happy life. “It’s the simple things that mean the most,” he said. Pooh was filled with a lot of wisdom for a little guy who never learned to spell. [columnize] Moments…

  • Travel Photo Collage Ideas

    Travel Photo Collage Ideas

    [custom_headline type=”left, center, right” level=”h2″ looks_like=”h3″ accent=”true”] These Great travel photo collage ideas will help you preserve your vacation memories.[/custom_headline] [columnize] When collecting ideas for a travel photo collage remember, just as you’d pack different types of clothing for different destinations, your travel photos need different types of collage templates to best display your memories. Some…