Moments Not Forgotten

I can’t help thinking about a well known bear, named Pooh, when I look at this memory page. Pooh knew the secrets to a happy life. “It’s the simple things that mean the most,” he said. Pooh was filled with a lot of wisdom for a little guy who never learned to spell.


Moments that are quickly and easily forgotten make up the majority of the happiness in our lives. Those fleeting moments bring smiles to our faces and joy to our hearts. That is why I work to preserve those moments – because feelings of joy can be “recycled,” when we remember them, bringing that joy back to us again and again.

This page is filled with a memory that could have been easily forgotten or missed. My camera lens was having issues and the area was crowded with visitors – not the ideal circumstances for taking pictures. But, when a man standing next to Cole saw him trying to get a young roos attention he handed Cole a bowl filled with food (a very sweet thing to do.) When that little kangaroo started eating out of Cole’s hand, I didn’t care if the images were blurry or bad – I just didn’t want to forget the moment!

I managed to get a few usable shots because one thing I have learned from taking a lot of pictures… the more you take, the better your chances of getting something good – or in some cases something decent.


Fast forward a few months…

As predicted, we forgot about Cole’s brief interlude with the kangaroos, until I loaded our vacation photos onto the computer. That is when I decided to create a full page with the images so this story wouldn’t be lost or become a side note of our Tampa trip.




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