8 X 8 with 21 photo pattern – I LOVE it!

[custom_headline type=”left” level=”h2″ looks_like=”h3″ accent=”true”] From Irene McDonald, Cropdog Club Member[/custom_headline]


I have enjoyed making many pages (over 200) with Tami’s Cropdog patterns but since 8 X 8 was introduced recently for Club members, this size along with the 21 photo pattern, has completely taken over my time and enthusiasm.

Completely by chance, I used it for a set of photos which have puzzled me for four years – what to do with them?  Two sisters and I spent a week in the village where we all attended primary school about sixty years ago!  I used a central photo of the sisters and surrounded it with 20 small images of people and places visited during the week.  It now provides a summary of that week – lots of memories and times to reminisce about.  The top left-hand photo of the car + canoe in particular was a source of constant amusement and comments and laughs from many people – what did three OAPs in their seventies want with a canoe?  In fact my son was coming north the following week and it was for him to have to use.  It was a very special, happy week and I will be sending my two friends prints in due course.


[custom_headline type=”left” level=”h2″ looks_like=”h3″ accent=”true”] 21 Image Pattern [/custom_headline]

After that, I used the same pattern for two pages of photos taken on an afternoon visit to two friends in their garden.  Again it was perfect for the purpose – central photos of my friends (and their dogs!) plus lots of details of their garden and again prints will be appropriate presents.

[block_grid type=”two-up”] [block_grid_item] [image src=”http://collage.cropdog.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/All-8-X-8page1image1385646570.jpg” alt=”Place Alt Text Here” type=”thumbnail”] [/block_grid_item] [block_grid_item] [image src=”http://collage.cropdog.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/All-8-X-8page2image1385662400.jpg” type=”thumbnail”] [/block_grid_item] [/block_grid]

[custom_headline type=”left” level=”h2″ looks_like=”h3″ accent=”true”] 46 pages in about a month [/custom_headline]

Since then, I have made 46 pages in about a month.  They are very easy and quick to complete, especially if you have the 21 photos you need all ready in one folder.

These are a few of the topics covered in my people-based project:


1)  An afternoon spent at a local village traditional Flower Show where a friend won a cup.

2)  An afternoon at Chillingham Castle and Garden

All 8 X 8page4image1387883599

3)  Two pages in memory of a friend in her garden surrounded by her favourite flowers etc.

4)  A visit to HMY Britannia with the same friend with details of Britannia

5)  Many pages of grandchildren’s activities – Easter egg hunt, baking Easter bunny biscuits, football and golf over the years etc


[custom_headline type=”left, center, right” level=”h2″ looks_like=”h3″ accent=”true”] 5 reasons Why I Like This 8×8 Pattern[/custom_headline]

The main reasons why I like this size and pattern so much are:


1.  In my opinion the proportions are exactly right – I don’t think any other size could do this as well.

2.  Most photos (though not quite all) fit neatly and completely into the squares and you can still make adjustments.

3.  It is perfect for using a lot of photos which  may be difficult to utilise as effectively in any other way.

4.  The border of small photos does not seem overpower or detract from the central photo.  Usually I have used a lot of different photos for the border but I used only daisies for one page and like the effect.

5.  8 X 8 scrapbook albums are readily available and prints make excellent presents.

One final personal observation – I feel a dark background is too heavy for this size so all my pages so far have fairly light backgrounds.

So, yes, at the moment 8 X 8 with 21 photos is my flavour of the month.  Thank you, Tami, for such a useful fun pattern!


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[button href=”http://www.cropdog.com/” title=”Title” target=”blank” shape=”square, rounded, pill” size=”mini, small, regular, large, x-large, jumbo” block=”true” icon_only=”true” info=”popover, tooltip” info_place=”top, right, bottom, left” info_trigger=”hover, click, focus” info_content=”This content will only show up if you have decided to show a popover.”] Go to Cropdog and Make Your Own Photo Collage in just Minutes Now! [/button]

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