The ABC’s of Digital Page Design

[custom_headline type=”left, center, right” level=”h2″ looks_like=”h3″ accent=”true”] Drag & Drop Alphabet & Numbers  [/custom_headline]

One of the features I enjoy most about Cropdog™ digital page design is the easy to use templates with drag and drop functionality. It is great to be able to choose a pre-designed pattern based on the number of photos I want to display and be able to quickly drag & drop those images files into a spot with little adjustments required.

Cropdog has an “add text” feature for those “free style” text situations; but, I love being able to use the Cropdog™ alphabet and number sets as design elements as well as information on my pages. As time passes it is so easy to forget what year specific photos were taken. I am glad I can add the year on my pages to help me remember. See examples below.

[block_grid type=”two-up”] [block_grid_item] [image src=”” alt=”Place Alt Text Here” type=”thumbnail”] [/block_grid_item] [block_grid_item] [image src=”” alt=”Place Alt Text Here” type=”thumbnail”] [/block_grid_item] [block_grid_item] [image src=”” alt=”Place Alt Text Here” type=”thumbnail”] [/block_grid_item] [block_grid_item] [image src=”” alt=”Place Alt Text Here” type=”thumbnail”] [/block_grid_item] [/block_grid]

The Drag & Drop Alphabet and numbers can be used on any image spot (because they are squares, they look best on the square spots.)  When you want to include a date or a word (like a person’s name or a place) I recommend looking for a pattern that includes sets of small gray squares. Each of the gray squares (or thumbnail spots) is an individual image spot that can be used to display one letter or one number. See pattern examples below.

[block_grid type=”three-up”] [block_grid_item] [image src=”” alt=”Place Alt Text Here” type=”thumbnail”] [/block_grid_item] [block_grid_item] [image src=”” alt=”Place Alt Text Here” type=”thumbnail”] [/block_grid_item] [block_grid_item] [image src=”” alt=”Place Alt Text Here” type=”thumbnail”] [/block_grid_item] [block_grid_item] [image src=”” alt=”Place Alt Text Here” type=”thumbnail”] [/block_grid_item] [block_grid_item] [image src=”” alt=”Place Alt Text Here” type=”thumbnail”] [/block_grid_item][block_grid_item] [image src=”” alt=”Place Alt Text Here” type=”thumbnail”] [/block_grid_item][/block_grid]


[button href=”” title=”Title” target=”blank” shape=”square, rounded, pill” size=”mini, small, regular, large, x-large, jumbo” block=”true” icon_only=”true” info=”popover, tooltip” info_place=”top, right, bottom, left” info_trigger=”hover, click, focus” info_content=”This content will only show up if you have decided to show a popover.”] Go to Cropdog and Make Your Own Photo Collage in just Minutes Now! [/button]

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