Photo Collage Ideas – Four Variations

[custom_headline type=”left, center, right” level=”h2″ looks_like=”h3″ accent=”true”] Four Variations: Collage Designs with 13 Max Images [/custom_headline]

Experimenting with patterns is one way to get lots of great photo collage ideas. One of the things I love most about creating a digital photo collage is how fast the designs come together. I can quickly & easily try multiple patterns (or templates) before I decide which one best highlights my photos.



The page featured above was created using pattern number 323. There are 13 image spots, 6 of them are small thumbnail spots (gray squares). The three row pattern will display four landscape shots, two portrait shots and a large square.

Below I’ve shown three different pages, all three use the same photos, all three are created using a different 13 Max Image template (shown below each page).

All of the patterns work nicely for a combination of square, landscape and portrait shots. I like the option to drop a photo into a spot that breaks the image up into one inch squares. (I call this a mosaic detail – see the colorful groups of 1 inch squares on the 3 patterns at bottom of page.) It is a great way to fit in a few of my texture shots.

I also like having a few thumbnail spots to fit in just a few extra details. (See the gray squares on pattern to left.)

For my final page I decided to use the pattern with the stripped blocks (see pattern to left) because I liked that it allowed me to create a panoramic illusion using two landscape shots (see top left of page shown above).



[block_grid type=”three-up”] [block_grid_item] [image src=”” alt=”Place Alt Text Here” type=”thumbnail”] [/block_grid_item] [block_grid_item] [image src=”” alt=”Place Alt Text Here” type=”thumbnail”] [/block_grid_item][block_grid_item] [image src=”” alt=”Place Alt Text Here” type=”thumbnail”] [/block_grid_item][block_grid_item] [image src=”” alt=”Place Alt Text Here” type=”thumbnail”] [/block_grid_item] [block_grid_item] [image src=”” alt=”Place Alt Text Here” type=”thumbnail”] [/block_grid_item] [block_grid_item] [image src=”” alt=”Place Alt Text Here” type=”thumbnail”] [/block_grid_item] [/block_grid]


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