Garden Photo Ideas

One of my favorite photo collage subjects is a garden. I love to wander, with my camera in hand, through conservatories and botanical gardens. I enjoy taking pictures of the numerous flowers and plants. I also love to photograph the fountains, statues, and ornaments. Is there any place more lovely than a garden?

The next best thing to walking through a garden is creating a photo collage of the beautiful photos taken in a garden. The key is to pick out a pattern/template that suits your photos. If there is one photo that should be highlighted in your collage, search for a template that has a focal spot in the direction (landscape or portrait) that coordinates with your photo. If there are many photos to be displayed choose a template with lots of image spots.

[custom_headline type=”left, center, right” level=”h2″ looks_like=”h3″ accent=”true”] Garden Photo Collage Ideas   [/custom_headline]

[block_grid type=”three-up”] [block_grid_item] [image src=”” alt=”Place Alt Text Here” type=”thumbnail”] [/block_grid_item] [block_grid_item] [image src=”” alt=”Place Alt Text Here” type=”thumbnail”] [/block_grid_item][block_grid_item] [image src=”” alt=”Place Alt Text Here” type=”thumbnail”] [/block_grid_item][block_grid_item] [image src=”” alt=”Place Alt Text Here” type=”thumbnail”] [/block_grid_item] [block_grid_item] [image src=”” alt=”Place Alt Text Here” type=”thumbnail”] [/block_grid_item][block_grid_item] [image src=”” alt=”Place Alt Text Here” type=”thumbnail”] [/block_grid_item][/block_grid]

To make your garden photo collage more visually appealing, try using a pattern that offers interesting design elements such as a place to add photo strips of stone (see example above, top left image).  Buildings, ornaments, and statues are a great way to add variety to a garden collage. If your photo collection doesn’t include a variety of textures or things, use a variety of floral images that includes close up (macro) shots and distant shots or a variety in the size/type of flowers.

Credits: All designs were created on Top left photo collage created by Tami Potter (11 photos used). Top middle photo collage created by Cropdog Member “Grannymac″ (9 photos used). Top right photo collage created by Cropdog Member “Grannymac″ (18 photos used). Bottom left photo collage created by Cropdog Member “Grannymac″ (18 photo used). Bottom middle photo collage created by Cropdog Member “Andrea″ (8 images used). Bottom right photo collage created by Cropdog Member “Grannymac″ (9 photos used).

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