Snow is a wonderful treat that many of us enjoy during the winter months. It can create the most beautiful settings to photograph and it is a magnificent subject for a photo collage. Example Above: Cropdog Member, Grannymac, created this delightful photo collage. She shows off a collection of lovely shots that are tied together with a winter theme. Though I don’t have the exact photos shown by Grannymac, I can easily envision 25 of my own winter photos placed into this checkerboard style collage template.

Another template style that works great for winter photos is the “mosaic style collage.” Cutting photos into small squares creates a unique look that can blend multiple photos together. See examples below.

[custom_headline type=”left, center, right” level=”h2″ looks_like=”h3″ accent=”true”] Winter Photo Mosaic Collages   [/custom_headline]

[block_grid type=”three-up”] [block_grid_item] [image src=”” alt=”Place Alt Text Here” type=”thumbnail”] [/block_grid_item] [block_grid_item] [image src=”” alt=”Place Alt Text Here” type=”thumbnail”] [/block_grid_item][block_grid_item] [image src=”” alt=”Place Alt Text Here” type=”thumbnail”] [/block_grid_item][/block_grid]

Credits: All designs were created on Above left photo collage created by Cropdog Member “Dstpie″. Above middle photo collage created by Cropdog Member “karissimo″. Above right photo collage created by Tami Potter. View more photo collages on the Cropdog Member Gallery.