Category: Facebook Cover Tips

  • Facebook Cover Ideas for Summer

    Facebook Cover Ideas for Summer

    [custom_headline type=”left, center, right” level=”h2″ looks_like=”h3″ accent=”true”]Give a Little Shout Out to Summer with a Colorful Facebook cover![/custom_headline] Color is a key element in great Facebook Cover ideas for summer. During summer we drape ourselves in colorful clothing, flowers of all varieties are in bloom, and bright beach balls, blankets and bikini’s are abundant. Between…

  • Winter Facebook Covers

    Winter Facebook Covers

    [custom_headline type=”left, center, right” level=”h2″ looks_like=”h3″ accent=”true”] Update Your Facebook Cover with a Winter Photo Collage [/custom_headline] Your facebook cover should be a reflection of what you are currently thinking about, enjoying, or doing in life. May be you’ve been looking through old photos and reminiscing about winters past. Share those memories with your facebook…

  • Summer Inspired Facebook Covers

    Summer Inspired Facebook Covers

    The activity we enjoy during summer months is great inspiration for Facebook cover template designs. But, don’t let a change of seasons stop you from trying out the templates below. They may have been inspired by summer; but, they make fabulous Facebook Covers year round! Shown above – 4 image template. [custom_headline type=”left, center, right” level=”h2″…

  • Facebook Cover Designs Inspired by the Big Apple

    Facebook Cover Designs Inspired by the Big Apple

    Inspired during a trip to New York City,  I came home excited to design three new Facebook cover collage templates for This three image pattern (see image above) was the first in the series. (Example with photos below.) The new 3 image template offers a design that was carried forward into the 11, and…

  • Discover Why We Love “Mosaic Style” Photo Collage

    Discover Why We Love “Mosaic Style” Photo Collage

    A few years ago I stood on the Canadian side of Niagara Falls, for the first time,  snapping shots with my camera. I wanted to capture on film what I experienced in that spectacular moment. The challenge: the view my eyes took in was not restricted; but, my camera’s lense was. To get it all…

  • Covers for Facebook – Put a Slant on Yours!

    Covers for Facebook – Put a Slant on Yours!

    I love seeing how photos can be blended by cutting them into pieces.  That is how I got started creating photo mosaics. It is fun to try different patterns with different photos and see how they turn out. I thought the template above would be fun to play with. I was right, it is fun!…